This past weekend I discovered that Mr. H had never seen the movie "Better off Dead." This cult classic that most people of my generation (sub generation - should probably narrow it down to an ~8 year time span) can quote along with each line.
Suddenly I'm questioning all those times he nodded along with me as I spouted off some quote from the movie that had relevance to our life - an education was in order if he was to really get what I was getting at.
I went to my film archives (what a geek) to dig out the VHS tape, but didn't find it until after we broke down and rented a copy.
How did he like it? Hmmm, he laughed at the appropriate places but I don't think it will ever hold the same significance for him as it did for me.
A couple of months before the wedding my youngest brother, Steve, and my Dad had to sit him down and introduce him to The Blues Brothers.
his education continues...
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Better Off Dead
Sunday, August 28, 2005
The Alibi Room
Last night we had dinner at the Alibi Room. This is a hideaway bar and restaurant down Post Alley beneath Pike's Place Market.
I love this place, and used to eat here regularly when I worked in the area. Last night they did not dissappoint. While the service was a little slow, we showed up between shifts and they had plenty of customers already. The food was great, we ordered caesar salads, pita and hummus for two, along with Peroni and we got out of there for $30 including the tip.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Word of the Day
Word of the day
Cockalorum n.
1. a little man with an unduly high opinion of himself.
2. Boastful talk; braggadocio.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Max and Ilona: Pictures Uploaded
After 6 weeks, I finally got the pictures we took at the International Fountain scanned in and uploaded. Notice every picture of Mr. H has Ilona in it too. She was not to be without him. He answered to "you," "him," "that guy," and "Eric"(?!), but there was really no question for anyone who she was talking about. He was her favorite, the name was irrelevant.
I love how all the pictures with both the kids have them running in opposite directions. Max spent quite a bit of time in the water, then would come and dry off, make faces at the camera, and go run around in the water some more.
Monday, August 15, 2005
NorthWest Trek
On a lark yesterday, Mr. H and I decided to hit the road and check out Northwest Trek. It was kind of a long trip for a lark, because it's a wildlife park near the foot of Mt. Rainier, but then we've missed the house on our way home and ended up going to dinner in Port Townsend before too. We do odd things when we're feeling spontaneous.
NW Trek is kind of a cool concept in wildlife parks/zoos, the prey animals live in a 500 acre area that ranges from steep hills, forests, pastures and wetlands. The animals roam freely, the people are caged in trams that are driven about the park by naturalists.
We got some great viewing opportunities, and up quite close to everything from bison, to moose to black tail deer, elk and caribou.
The predators are kept in a much more zoo-like setting - smaller habitats surrounded by fencing and moats. We enjoyed the black bear bathing himself and rolling around in the water, the cats, however seemed to think it was much too hot to come out of their little dens.
We missed the snakes and bugs this time. I think I'll get over it.
We'll definitely be back soon.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Blue Angels
I was driving back to the office on my lunch break and had completely forgotten that the Blue Angels were performing today until I saw one do a full loop that took up my entire field of vision. It was really quite an amazing sight. I didn't drive off the road, but now I understand why they have to close I-90 because of all the looky-loos.
They're also performing tomorrow and Sunday - We may have to veture out to go see them.
On a side note, when the jet buzzed me, Danger Zone (think Top Gun) was blaring through the radio. I haven't heard that song in ten years. Quite a moment.

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