I've been battling the same sinus infection for the past 4 years. Finally, one day in a conversation with my physician, I had to come to terms with the fact that I just have not outgrown my childhood pet allergies.
After 4 years with Rufus, through thick and thin, I was going to have to find him a new home. That was 6 months ago. We've been looking for a new home for him, but not willing to settle for just anyone. He's a sweet dog, and deserves to go to a home where he will be appreciated.
One of the individuals who expressed some interest in him had other dogs. I suggested we set up a meet & grreet for the dogs at a neutral place like a dog park. He saw no reason to do that and just wanted to come and pick him up. Just didn't sit right with me.
So here we are, six months later, with a dog I can't live with, but to whom I don't know how I will be able to say goodbye.
Enter Kristianne.
Kristianne has been looking for a dog since she moved into her new house. She works for the same company I do, knows many of the same people I know, and met Rufus at the dog park on Sunday and just seemed to love him.
The big question now is - how will he get along with her cats. We agreed to set up a time to meet the cats and see how that goes. Hopefully she wont lose interest in him in the meantime. She seems like a very nice lady and the house with a yard would be a big upgrade from the little apartment he's living in now.
I'm so torn. I'm delighted that Kristianne is interested in taking him, I think he will be happier there anyways, but he's been my companion for 4 years, and I'm just going to miss him so much.
The good, the bad, and the fascists
6 days ago
1 comment:
Nice fern! How'd you get it to grow out of his head? :D
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