Is there anything better than a hot cup of coffee and a sausage mcmuffin with egg on a dreary rainy saturday morning?
The good, the bad, and the fascists
6 days ago
Is there anything better than a hot cup of coffee and a sausage mcmuffin with egg on a dreary rainy saturday morning?
I go for the sausage biscuit, no egg. I can't believe you admit to eating "golden arches"! ;) You know that was one of the first places the Mr. took me when dating.
Did he get the employee discount? ;)
Not when we were first dating. There was some special coupon thingey and he paid 10 cents for fries and we shared them and a soda. Cheap date. (I shouldn't let him get away with saying that!)
When he worked there after we moved down here, he was a manager and we got free meals! :)
Ah, the good ol' days!
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