Every once in a while a visit to Google Analytics will provide some data that I'm not quite sure how to process
Here's a sample of search terms that turned up for CoffeeJitters:
- how to get rid of coffee jitters (ahem, seriously people!)
- shooting dad
- did you lose something
- its business night
- happy hour
- left over cake
- what happened to la dolce vita
- pictures of fat brides (ouch!)
- seattle rutabaga
Has Google Analytics (or Woopra or whatever other tool you use) turned up anything that blew your mind?
Shooting dad . . . as in wide shot or close-up, with a camera? I get some strange searches on my blog too. I like your blog by the way and thanks for stopping by mine.
Get rid of you? Wow, who'd want to do such a thing!? Perish the thought!!
I've never tried the google but I recently added feedjit (http://feedjit.com/ amazingly enough) I like the map. And knowing who's visiting my blog that I haven't attended to in several weeks. *sigh* some day I'll catch up with life, maybe.
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