We had another doctors visit on Friday. The schedule said we were just supposed to listen to the baby's heartbeat with a special microphone. Nothing. After several minutes of pushing the microphone around on my belly and not hearing a bit of the baby's heartbeat, the doctor decided to do a sonogram anyways. It was a long wait while the doctor went down the hall to get the portable sonogram machine. Then we had to wait for it to boot up. But as soon as the picture started to materialize on the screen, we could see all kinds of bouncing, kicking and arms waving. Not just a heartbeat - we've got an active baby in there.
I, on the other hand, have not been so active. I'm promised that in the second trimester I'll get my energy back. In the meantime, I have to squeeze 12 hours of rest into anything else I manage to accomplish on any given day. I'm already a little behind in school this quarter, but I'm determined to get back on my game. I think it will be at least another month before I get back into the swing of things with managing the blog and commenting. But, aside from the fatigue and the homework and a house in desperate need of cleaning, I'm doing really well.