I heart Seattle.
I moved to Seattle from Alaska the first time in 1992. I walked around the city for months in a constant state of wow. Sixteen years later I've still got a crush on this city.
I've been sitting here trying to figure out what it is about Seattle that makes it home for me. It starts with the water. I've got at least 4 drawbridges within 3 miles of my home (don't get me started on drawbridges, they get me all gaga too).
Follow that up with the culture of this city. I love living in a place where education is actually valued. While there's always room for improvement, and I'm sure some of you Seattlites squirmed a bit at my last statement, education is valued here. Moreso than many other places in this country, including the place where I grew up. Hell, take a look at our library(s). And our colleges. According to Encarta, we top the list as one of the most educated cities (which, on the downside, doesn't help me much when job hunting).
There is so much more: the food, the people, the easy access to recreational activities, the easy access to the rest of the world (I'm from Alaska, that's relevant). I just wish I could afford to live here. There is no buying a house in this town.
What is it that makes your corner of the world home?
The good, the bad, and the fascists
6 days ago
Bear tracks
@moose nuggets - did you get a bear for your birthday? Happy birthday by the way.
And just so that we're very clear, not coming across bear tracks while out for a stroll is another thing I love about living in Seattle
No bear, just pumpkin pie. :D
Why I like my place: Where to start! The fact that I can send the kids out to play without worrying about them getting hit by a car or encountering "strangers" (but let's not talk about the aminals they could meet.) The fact that I have a choice in how my children are educated, and my choice is allowed and supported by the state. The fact that I can hide away from the rest of our society and culture which screams that a person must have the biggest and best and most stuff to be acceptable. The fact that I can drive wherever I need to be within a few minutes, yet be in an area that is quiet enough that we can hear the birds singing. The fact that I don't have to deal with 10,000 other drivers on the road every day (that's a BIG one!) There's so much more I could say but I won't bore you with the details.
Enjoy Seattle for us, ok? It really is a nice city.
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