One of the coolest things we got to watch on our camping trip last weekend was a woodpecker feeding her babies
She was a bit suspicious of us, so if we were making any noise she'd go land on a different tree and wait till we shut up and sat still before she went to the tree with her babies.
This is my contribution to Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta
Previous contributions include:

Oh- what a wonderful site to see!
Awesome! Aren't you glad we just are allowed to give you kids Cheerios and Fruit Snacks?
As always, thanks for playing :)
Oh wow! Now that is beautiful!!!
No way! How cool is that! Yea for zoom lens! :)
Stop by for our latest adventure:
That is so cool that you caught it with the camera!
Too cool, I would have loved to see that! So would my girls! :) I'm gonna show them these pictures.
Sounds like a cool opportunity.
That would have been so fun to watch. I was out riding my bike this morning and I saw a fox. I am not sure but I think he was running off with somebody's
Awwww! You get such great nature pictures.
Wow! How cool that you were able to get such close-ups! Neat!
Those birds are actually one of my favorites! Such beautiful do you get them to post so big??? Mine always post small?
Now, there's something I never would have seen in "real life" where I live, that is soooo cool...thanks for sharing.
How wonderful that you were able to get those shots!
Wow! What amazing photos!
It is always amazing to me just how long a baby bird can stretch its neck. Cool pix!
Very cool pic!! I love baby bird pics!
Awesome...just awesome!!!!
There's something you don't see every day! What a great shot!
That is so cool!!!
That is such a cool picture.
How special that you all got to see that! :)
thats amazing.. I was expecting a joke until I scrolled down!!
Wow, that was awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping to check out my blog. I love your photos of the mommy woodpecker feeding her babies. It is rare that we get to see such a treat and even more rare that a camera is available to snap a pic. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. My in-laws are in Sequim, WA. Beautiful country up there.
those are great pictures!!
What a cute Flicker! I have never seen one of their babies before. You were so lucky. Glad you were able to snap a couple photos to share.
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