It's not that I don't love inhaling jet exhaust, or gratuitous displays of military might, or testosterone charged military service recruiting sessions , or even the opportunity to have my tax dollars go towards consuming extra barrels of oil so Exxon can top their record earnings from last quarter - it's the fact that I have to wear earplugs in my own house and even still my dishes and glasses have been rattling for three days. I'm tired and cranky and I'd like to take a nap, thank you.

Switch to decaf.
I am sorry, I couldn't help myself. Forgive me?
I feel your pain. I had that for 5 days last month when they were in the quad cities. You'll make it through. Just take the fragile stuff off the walls.
I'm right there with you...I've had to deal with the same situation.
You have a award waiting for you on my blog!!
So it's not been a good day for you then? ;)
Oh, I don't miss those days of living under the Blue Angels path. My cats ESPECIALLY don't miss it! ;)
OK, Carrie is too funny today HUH? Are they just visiting?? I had a helicopter fly up level with my house one time...I almost had a heart attack. It was my uber silly neighbor looking for his lost dog..
I actually live in the flight path of the lovely Reno airport! When I viewed the rental, not a single solitary plane went overhead and I had no idea. Until I moved in. You have to keep the remote in one hand just to turn up the volume on the TV when they pass over, and if there is bad weather, they sound like they are landing on top of my house. Fortunately, the aiport do provide tenants with triple glazing so I am looking forward to having my windows replaced and upgraded in the next few months!
Amen and I hope they are gone now!
We were stationed in Pensacola and then we were at an air field in South Carolina. It was rough at first, but now I sit and think "it's way too quiet. Where are the F-18s?!"
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