I've seen that look before somewhere. Hmmm. Where was it. Oh yeah, the mirror. Is this a first trimester exhaustion for you? I hope your pregnancy is going well!
Before I saw your picture... I thought for a moment you were talking about me 'cause I am cranky! Take very good care of yourself...you are growing another human being...it's a lot of work! Hope you are doing well!
I've seen that look before somewhere. Hmmm. Where was it. Oh yeah, the mirror. Is this a first trimester exhaustion for you? I hope your pregnancy is going well!
Hang in there... once you're past the first trimester, you'll get your energy back! That's how I felt after my run this weekend. EXHAUSTED!
Before I saw your picture... I thought for a moment you were talking about me 'cause I am cranky!
Take very good care of yourself...you are growing another human being...it's a lot of work!
Hope you are doing well!
Umm, Sydney just told a big fat lie. ;) (J/K, Sydney!)
That's what little Coffee Bean will look like in 14 years when you're trying to explain to him about character and responsibility.
Oh yea! I have those moments and I'm not even pregnant. Hope you got your nap.
Hi Judy - I tagged you with an award on my site today. Be sure to check it out! It's the top post for today but you'll have to scroll a little bit.
Hey, I know that look. Girl, you need to get some naptime. Works wonders. I remember falling asleep everynight by 8:00 p.m. I was totally exhausted.
How are you feeling so far?
Hummm. It's been a few days. Are you still napping :o)
I can totally relate to that! Just finished the First Day of School over here, and I'm ready for my nap!
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