Dr. Dobson's group, "Focus on the Family" has started a prayer campaign to pray for rain at Obama's acceptance of the Democratic nomination.
This isn't the first time I've encountered "Christian" groups praying for rain to hurt others. When I was a teen, the band Cheap Trick came to play in my little town of Palmer, Alaska. My church started a campaign to pray that the concert would be rained out. I spent most of my youth wondering why "Christians" focus so much of their energy and prayer towards hating and hurting others rather than actually doing good. I still wonder.
By the way the concert was a rare, beautiful 70+ degree day.
Update: the weather was beautiful. The only rain occurred in the Fox "News" booth; it was flooded due to a sprinkler malfunction.

I NEVER want to be in the same category as DR. James Dobson...he lost my respect a very long time a go! How very sad that this is how he chooses to live out his faith!
I for one choose to pray for Peace...
I know what you mean. I hate groups that say they are out there for the right reasons, yet choose to pray for/do (technically) dishonest or evil acts.
My Christian Nana raised me to believe that Christianity is all about positive energy. Negative thoughts like Dr. Dobson's make no sense to me.
I don't know who Dr. James Dobson is. Apparently it isn't important that I know him. I don't understand people who hide behind their 'faith' to hurt others. That isn't what Christianity is about.
What Would Jesus Do?!
Wow, I'm disappointed in Dobson. As a Christian, I try to keep my politics separate from my faith. This is best in my extended family, since we are a pretty even mix of Christian/non-Christian and Republican/Democrat. Plus, you're not going to win anybody for Christ by having political arguments. I wish my hubby would learn this lesson.
I am a firm believer that it is God's job alone to make and pass judgement. I admit I faulter at times but to pray for negative things towards another? I don't get it. I want to be surrounded by positive people who don't backstab. This is another example of how we need to be constantly vigilant of where we place our faith/trust and who we put it in.
I don't like Dobson. He has some weird beliefs.
Yeah, this is disturbing me, also. I think that people are allowed to believe however they want, but when they want to take it to the streets in order to cause discomfort or sadness to another, that's where I'm backing out. How are we supposed to set good examples for our chidren if we tell them to be nice and treat others with kindness...unless they have different beliefs. In that case, it's okay to wish for bad.
I made up a new word: hypochristian. Get it? hypocrite + christian? I'm pretty proud of that one.
True praying for an event to be rained out seems a less than Christian activity. But, on the other hand is it okay to judge the Christians for doing so? What does that make you? Would you even care if they were judging something you didn't like, say the republican national convention? The Christians are judging Obama for being a liberal Democrat, you are judging the Christians for judging Obama. I just have to laugh and shake my head,
I'm sure there are a few Muslims praying for rain over the whole United States.
Wishing for bad things to happen to other people and doing it while hiding behind religion is simply trite, I agree. When will "Christians" stop raining on the parade of freedom to choose elected officials based on issues other than religion?
I'm not so sure we are judging the Christians for judging Obama. We are upset because they are using prayer to cause discomfort to other humans. Not cool. Let's all play nice out there. :-)
I am Christian...I didn't feel judged...My Pastor recently did a sermon about how we should never pray for anything in Christ's name if Jesus wouldn't say the prayer. I don't believe Jesus would pray this prayer!
This Dufus has taken prayer and turned it into a 2 plus minute sideshow to support his political agenda. I resent the assumption that all Christians are judging Obama. Many Christians incling Obama are Liberal Democrats. The point of the post has nothing to do with whether or not this idiot hates Obama - it's about politicizing prayer.
Republicans Don't Own Jesus!
Aaron Haley
As a Christian, and a Republican no less, I find this deplorable.
Dr. Dobson saddens and sickens me more with every passing day. When he told people to boycott the November vote rather than vote for any of the current candidates, I wrote a letter of complaint.
The response? I'll paraphrase. It was something along the lines of: "you can suck it. Dr. Dobson is completely out of touch now with all other human beings and reality as well. Have a nice day."
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