I am humbled and wowed by your response to my Wanna-Be-Mommy post about infertility. We've been trying to conceive for four years and I was feeling hormonal and tired and cranky and quite frankly nearly giving up hope when I wrote that piece. Your response lifted my spirits.
It is amazing to me that I can post a message to the internet and receive such an outpouring of support and comfort and hope. So many of you I could not pick out of a police lineup, yet given a paragraph of your writing I'd know exactly who you are. Thank you, all of you.
This week has been busy for me. My world has been turned upside down and sent spinning. I've fallen behind on my blog reading and commenting, in fact at the moment I've got well over a thousand posts in my reader. I've been extended another award, to which I have yet to respond. Thank you, My2Boyz! And I'm trying not to let myself get too far behind on my homework from school.
You see, the dizziness, and the hormones, and the fatigue were not just in my head. What I didn't know when I wrote that post last week, was that I was already[happy dance]
Thank you, all of you, for your support. You have no idea how much it means to me. I imagine I'll need your support and advice even more over the coming months and years.
This is my contribution to Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Congrats! There's nothing better than getting that positive!
WOW, aren't we a powerful group of people!
Congratulations! Wow, a doozey alright!
OH MY GOSH! I am standing up and doing the happy dance. Join me. Okay, now the shopping cart, stir the chili, ride the lawn mower. Yippee!!! Finish with the Lasso. I'm so happy for you!
Normally, I'd be funny Moose.
Today, I'm serious Moose. You can tell by my face.
So, in all seriousness...
Weather Moose
Yay!!!! Yippee!!! A HUGE CONGRATS!!!!
That is fantastic! I guess all you had to do was call out to the blogoshere to get pregnant. I had better wear something...
Seriously, that is great! Congratulations:-)
Congrats! My son and his wife are expecting their first child in January. While they didn't try for four years, they didn't get pregnant as quickly as expected so I know only a tiny amount of what you when through. I am thrilled to learn of your new.
Fantastic news!! Congratulations!!!!
It was all our prayers! You go girl!
Oh my goodness!!! COngratulations!!!!!!!!! This is my first time over here - i wandered over from Carrie's but I'm ALWAYS excited to hear about a new baby - especially one so long aniticipated!
I am SO happy for you!!!! I got goosebumps when I saw the picture. Excellent!!! Can't wait to share the journey with you.
Oh how WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
Congratulations! :)
THAT is a super foto Friday...and future of Fridays!
OH MY GOSH!!!! I am soooo happy for you! Your life is about to change in so many wonderful ways! Congrats!!!
Congratulations! I am doing the happy dance for you! My kids are staring at me thinking "Mom has lost it!"
Awesome!!!! I am so happy for you I am doing the happy dance too ;)
WOO-HOO!!! Congratulations!!! That is such wonderful news!!
Judy, I am crying. NO, really! This is AMAZING! Not that you don't know that. But, still.
Oh yay I'm going to be a bloggy auntie...Congratulations My Dear!
I'm so excited for you!!!!!
YAY!!! Just when you think the road is ending, you turn the corner. . . praying for an awesome pregnancy for you!!!
How very AWESOME! I didn't check in on that other post, but I have to now. Off to read what had you all bundled in your undies. ;)
Huge congrats on being preggers! It is an amzing thing and I wish you nothing but the best!
I am so, so, so happy for you...I too had infertility for 7 years! I now have 6 kids!
Oh, wow! Congratulations!
Oh my goodness! I've got chills and tears in my eyes at the same time, and we've only just met! I'm so excited for you! I'll be praying for a smooth 9 months. And if you need any pep talks/moral support, I'll get you my email. I'm not your typical "pregnancy was a breeze, labor/delivery was a breeze, motherhood is a breeze" kind of mom. I have a compeletely different take on it. I love being a mom, don't get me wrong! Sometimes you need to just tell it like it is!
Seriously, congratulations! You're going to love it!
Did we do that? :-) The Power of Bloggers!
In all seriousness, which doesn't happen often with me...I want to extend my sincere congratulations to you and the hubby. I got chills when I read that you are pregnant. It's wonderful news!
Oh, wow, CONGRATS!!!!
Excuse me but I needed to fix something that I wrote wrong so I deleted the previous comment. Here it is with the correction. Oh my goodness! Praise God! I am so happy for you and your news and am crying tears of joy. What I would have done to read the word you did on that little test. I can't imagine the thoughts that went through and are going through your head. I love happy endings and can't wait to follow you through your pregnancy. CONGRATULATIONS JUDY AND HUBBY!
I am Happy Dancing and I don't even know you... But this is the BEST 4F EVER! Well, until you get the first pic of the wee bambino!
CONGRATS. Welcome to the MOM club.
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! CONGRATULATIONS! Who knew peeing on something could make anyone besides a 5-year-old boy so happy?! Good luck, I am keeping all my fingers crossed for you.
I haven't even read the referenced post and I got chills and tears in my eyes when I saw the news (I must be hormonal too!!)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I understand (as an outsider) a little about infertility (I used to work for a great group in Tacoma)
YAAAYYY !! Congratulations. I'm doing the happy dance for you as well :-)
Oh, gosh! CONGRATULATIONS! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you!
H wow!!! Congratulations Judy! Such incredible news!
Congrats! mommies and tell them goodnight as
CONGRATULATIONS. I would do the Happy Dance for you, but I would probably fall in the floor. I am doing it inside for you though. HOW WONDERFUFL!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations! OK, so you are technically a complete stranger, but I'm thrilled for you!
I don't know how I missed your post last week....I am so happy for you, really congratulations!!!
Judy, OMG. I've been away from here for a few days and missed the Wanna Ba A Mommy Post, so I'm reading backwards.
I'm over the moon excited for you and your husband. CONGRATULATIONS!!
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